Here you'll find the list of videos and proofs showing all our accomplished challenges. If you like them, please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Doing some activity in a Religious Place in Tibet (I was asked to do something for help in a religious place, so I decided to go inside a Buddhist Temple in Lhasa and join the pilgrims whirl this big prayer wheel)
Taking a picture with 20 Chinese (It was quite an easy challenge as Chinese people love taking pictures. In the end I got 23 Chinese looking at camera!)
Finding a Chinese guy taller than me (Taking into consideration that I am something like 1.95m tall and Chinese are generally tiny, it was quite a hard task. I found this guy in Lijiang who was a bit taller than me (actually the only taller Chinese I've seen), so challenge accomplished!)
Eating insects in China (I was asked to eat something weird or disgusting in China. I came accross a food stall selling bugs, scorpions, insects... so I decided to give a try to some kind of deep-fried grasshoppers. They were tastier than what it seems!)
Eating the spiciest rice noodles and saying a tongue twister in China
Teach Catalan to Iranian People (The challenge was to teach some words in Catalan and these two lovely sisters from Kerman did it perfectly!)
Show how is it praying inside an Iranian Shrine (This time I had to get inside a shrine in Shiraz and record what's going on inside it at praying time)
Preparing Kebab in Trabzon, Turkey (I was asked to try to somehow help prepare Turkish kebab and I tried my best to slice it)
I LOVE YOU World Tour (I have been asked to find out how to say "I love you" in the local language of all the countries I visit. Here are the results!)