Earthlooping has signed a co-operation agreement with Centre d'Estudis Prat, a school in Barcelona where Xavi worked as an English teacher during 3 years.
By this agreement, we are going to carry out an activity with the students of Secondary High Education. They are going to follow our trip all over the school term, learning several facts about every country and carrying out different activities in class with the support of a teacher.
The best thing, though, is that they are also going to propose us different challenges to do in every country we visit. These challenges are totally open class, so they can be any kind of activity. They will be proposed at class and then we will decide which one to carry out, basically depending on the viability of it, as we wouldn't really enjoy ending up in a foreign prison or hospital after doing some stupid thing.
We will record the challenges or take pictures of them, and after they have been finished, they will be published on our YouTube channel as well as in our challenges proofs so everybody can watch them.
Nevertheless, this activity is not closed to school students only, so if you think of any special challenge you would like us to do, feel free to post it the comments below and probably you will see it published on YouTube!
By this agreement, we are going to carry out an activity with the students of Secondary High Education. They are going to follow our trip all over the school term, learning several facts about every country and carrying out different activities in class with the support of a teacher.
The best thing, though, is that they are also going to propose us different challenges to do in every country we visit. These challenges are totally open class, so they can be any kind of activity. They will be proposed at class and then we will decide which one to carry out, basically depending on the viability of it, as we wouldn't really enjoy ending up in a foreign prison or hospital after doing some stupid thing.
We will record the challenges or take pictures of them, and after they have been finished, they will be published on our YouTube channel as well as in our challenges proofs so everybody can watch them.
Nevertheless, this activity is not closed to school students only, so if you think of any special challenge you would like us to do, feel free to post it the comments below and probably you will see it published on YouTube!