Wish List
Here you'll find the wish list, a list of highlights to see, to do... some of the objectives to be accomplished during the trip.
Wish list
- Get Earthlooping's first sponsor ACCOMPLISHED!!! (Check it out!)
- Generate my first trip on the web ACCOMPLISHED!!! (Check it out!)
- Visit the Andaman Islands (India) (NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED)
- Swim with a shark (NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED)
- Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef (NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED)
- See lava flows in Hawaii or in some other place (NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED)
- See a polar bear (NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED)
- Watch an NBA game live in the USA (NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED)
- Watch a football match at La Bombonera (Argentina) (NOT YET ACCOMPLISHED)
- Go to the Everest Base Camp ACCOMPLISHED!!! (Check it out!)